
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

Grace Iceberg

This post was written for and originally shared at : 8 Ways To Give Yourself Grace **Please take the time to check out Kaitlin Chappell’s Blog When Kaitlin asked me to write a guest post for her blog, it was an easy YES! Little did I know, this would be the tip of the GRACE ICEBERG God wanted to show me. I […]

What Compels Us To Speak?

“I am full of words and MY spirit compels me to speak…” Job 32:18 RED FLAG: When “I and MY” are fueling our thoughts, it would be wise to keep our mouthes from firing off. Our opinions often masquerade as truth in our own minds. ____________ I think we can almost all remember a time where we spoke too soon, […]

How Do We Define Meaningful?

If we don’t personally decide what is meaningful, a mean world will. What is meaningful to you? I would love feedback❤!  I was listening to the “Hamilton” soundtrack. I hear Alexander Hamilton’s passion for what he has decided is meaningful. He is not throwing away his shot!  Why do we?  Is it because we haven’t set our eyes on one?  […]

Lent Day 5: Ritual Religion vs. Right Relationship

Several years ago I signed up to take Karate. I wanted to learn how to defend myself against enemies and exercise, in an effort to keep this “temple of the Holy Spirit” healthy and whole. What started out with good intentions, quickly turned into a system of rules that riddled me with fear of failure and mental bondage that made […]

GENTalks: Episode 12-“She Is Me”

GENTalks Episode 12: She Is Me Kaitlin and Katie invite you into their latest conversation about “The Woman at the Well” and how “She is me!” When we grasp even the tiniest hem of the grace we have freely received, we are able to see ourselves in everyone’s story. It is in recognizing “She is Me” that we are able […]

No Wasted Grace

I choose not to waste my grace today. Empowered by Holy Spirit, I will give grace even to those I think don’t deserve it and to those who haven’t even asked for it! We have ALL been forgiven much. May we pay that grace forward in abundance. 

Looking for Mess-ups or Listening to the Message

(See Luke 14) The Messiah was right in front of them. They carefully watched so hard that they missed The Message, The Word, altogether!  How often do we still do that when we start debating issues, policies, legalism, plateforms, and “who’s right?” “Who’s right” doesn’t even matter. Righteousness and “being right” are not the same thing. Christ is righteousness! Seeking […]

“Figuring out & Falling Into” February 7


What Graces our Neck? Feb. 1


(Week 3) God-Colors in Costa Rica

God-colors in Costa Rica (Week 3) “…You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world…” Matthew 5:14 MSG “Brilla tus colores de Dios” Mateo 5:14 **For all my subscribers, only half of my blog post saved and posted last week, as I prescheduled it to go live while I was in Costa Rica. So I am trying […]