
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

May 10, 2015 Word Picture-Mother’s Day-Galleries of Grace

Galleries of Grace The backdrop of this picture is my kitchen wall. The little hands that call me mom are the artists that painted these masterpieces! I almost straightened the tiles before I took the picture, but decided not to. You see, the slightly crooked tiles accurately depict my home: not perfect, just works in progress, who celebrate each step […]

May 5, 2015 Word Picture

Those little hands and feet coming behind us, desperately need the Jesus we have experienced! #BeBold Do not let His grace go wasted!

Be Kind

At the end of my days, I pray That God can say: “She erred on the side of kindness!” What breaks your heart? What have you committed to that you have decided: NO MORE-NOT ON MY WATCH!!! If you don’t know, please hit your knees and boldly ask the Lord the BREAK YOUR HEART where HIS breaks and HE is […]

April 19, 2015 Word Picture

I am so glad My God is not looking for perfection but delights in perfecting HIS messy kids!   

OverWELLmed (this is not misspelled)-Walk with me TO THE WELL

These pictures were taken on a mission trip to Uganda in 2013.  I traveled with Jesus and the staff of Passion Partners, the global missions organization of Her Passion ministries, founded by Candice Moore (formerly Candice Ashburn).   These photographs are relevant to this post because we are actually walking to the town well, and this blog update is the […]

#catalyst2014: Change Makers-Writing my takeaways on my heart & in the BLOG!

No one needs “just another conference”, where one gets pumped up and possibly puffed up, thinking all their “new ideas” are necessary for everyone in their entire sphere of influence! HOWEVER, everyone needs to take time to come together with other believers, cry out to The Lord, humble their hearts, adore their God and thank HIM for HIS Presence and […]


Disclaimer: the lovely picture included is not from Memphis, but from an Atlanta Beth Moore Conference:) It just makes me smile, so I decided to include my up close and personal with Beth (or her poster:) I was in Memphis this past weekend with one of my Jesus Freak friends. She and I have been to several Beth Moore Conferences […]