
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

Lent Day 2: Making Room For The New Harvest

I love Leviticus. I know that sounds incredibly weird to most. God continues to show me fractals of Jesus throughout the Old Testament. Layers I could have never discovered on my own are supernaturally peeled back. The Holy Spirit divinely dances over the written word and it is like watching cream rise to the top.  “You will have such a […]

My One Word: Harvest 2017

My One Word: Harvest 2017 It is a new year; therefore a new breath is breathed out in words of life, words like: possibility, sunrise, hope, change, better, forward, grow, etc… The word “new” insinuates a promise; “new” is pregnant with possibility. In a world inundated with choices, our possibilities can be endless, so endless that we get “analysis paralysis” […]