
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

GENTalks Podcast: (Episode 7) Why Baptism?

GENTalks: Cross-Generational Conversations Episode 7: Why Baptism GENTalks Episode 7: Why Baptism? Kaitlin and I celebrate together in an early morning coffee gab session, as Kaitlin recounts her recent baptism and what it meant to her. We continue our conversations in true unscripted, unedited fashion, simply sharing our lives, hoping to be generational bridge builders! May these talks encourage you […]

(Week 10) New Art: What Do You See?

Really, What do you see? I would love for you to comment and let me know before reading the big reveal. I think you will be surprised. Sometimes the art comes before the deeper meaning, even to the artist. I painted this one last week, having no idea why.  I just knew I was to use lots of color, paint […]