
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.


I often use Twitter as an online journal.  I tweet my God-whispered, take-away treasures. After writing in my paper journal, I will take the time to condense the words to a TWEETABLE moment and then take it a step further by making a word-picture to capture the whisper in color. It took me years as a student to realize I […]

#BlogPod1 : Calling all podcasters and podcast listeners: Let our tribe begin #BlogPod

Calling all podcasters and podcast listeners: Let’s start a conversation, Let our Blog-Pod TRIBE begin!  #BlogPod I am a podcast junkie. This is what the podcast app looks like on my phone, if you don’t already have it. It changed my world several years ago, when I tapped into podcast heaven.  They are free and amazing and the topics are […]