
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

31 Days of Hindsight: Day 9

Day 9 is almost over, but not quite!  I am so glad you are still taking this hindsight journey with me, and I pray you are doing your own year-end review.  Remember, hindsight is a good teacher.  “He” is humorous, humbling and honest, if we are looking through the correct lens, the lens of Christ, not our own distorted human […]

Rejection Hurts

I am being very transparent about my aching heart and the “art of writing” today. The fact that I am writing about being “rejected as a writer” is kind of ironic.  It is like reverse psychology.  I am choosing to do the very thing the enemy wants to snuff out in me.  One of the differences between the enemy’s condemnation […]