
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

GENTalks Episode 9: The Gift of Presence

https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gentalks-episode-9-gift-presence/id1169472298?i=1000379241515&mt=2 Kaitlin and Katie close out the year in episode 9 discussing the “gift of presence” in order to remind themselves and others of the real reason for the season. Christmas is the day Jesus came to provide our way back to the Father. HE gave us the greatest gift of presence so that we could be present with HIM […]

GENTalks Episode 8: Open-Book Living With Guest, Toya Poplar

GENTalks Episode 8: Open-Book Living With Guest, Toya Poplar In Episode 8 Kaitlin and Katie have their first interview and it is live and local! Toya Poplar is the epitome of “Open-book living!” She is the author of “Stop Write There” (http://stopwritethere.com) “…an interactive journal that prompts you to probe your heart before and during the creative process. Whether you […]