
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

(re)fresh: Revisiting Timeless Teachers with Fresh Eyes


#Inwiththeold is the hashtag a friend of mine uses for her antique store. I have the pleasure of working alongside her and I am continually inspired by past remnants that are restored, revived, repurposed or renovated to be relevant in the present. Revisiting the timeless is leading me to rivers of (re)freshment and I am reminded that nothing is wasted in God’s economy.


#Inwiththeold became my summer slogan. I found the cliché, oldies but goodies, refreshingly true. C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, and Flannery O’Connor are my timeless teachers in this season and although they may be from days gone by, they never cease to help open my eyes in new ways to old truths.


I truly thought C.S. Lewis popped out of the womb with pen and paper in hand, perfectly positioned to paint Aslan with words. Unbeknownst to me, the author of “The Chronicles of Narnia” was a writer by default.


Lewis was born with only one joint in his thumb. He said, “…Nature laid on me from birth an utter incapacity to make anything…it was this that forced me to write.” (Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis) C.S. prompts me to see set backs as stepping-stones, to stop making excuses in order to embrace opportunity.


In Tozer’s book, The Pursuit of God, we see his writing process described in this way: “He wrote on his knees…perhaps that explains the power and blessing on it.” A.W. is giving me a timely reminder that a posture of prayer is what positions me to walk out my Kingdom purpose.

O’Connor used allegory to shine a Heavenly light on our desperate need for grace and the pain involved in all lasting, life transformation. Flannery was well before her time as she exposed the ugliness of segregation in her stories. Although O’Conner suffered greatly with physical illness much of her adult life, she continued to write from her personal pain in order to alleviate the suffering of some. Flannery’s prayer journal exposed the life force behind her written words. If we want to make an eternal difference by tackling taboo topics, which is risky but worthy business, it is crucial that we stay plugged into the Power Source, the Holy Spirit Himself.


Encouraged and inspired by these timeless teachers, I am led to reflect upon my own grace-laced journey in fresh ways. They have also been golden arrows pointing me to ponder God’s Word as fresh manna. I am seeing Solomon for the first time as one who recognized his own DISABILITY, lack of wisdom, thus positioning him to depend on God for DIVINE ABILITY to lead.


Solomon was at a complete DISADVANTAGE; his brother, Adonijah, was popular with the people and next in line for the throne, yet God placed him at a DIVINE ADVANTAGE by making him King over Israel instead of his brother.


Lastly, although Solomon was the product of parents who started out in DISGRACE, he was GRACED by God and stepped into the royal role he was DIVINELY DESIGNED for.


I am incredibly grateful for the voices of the faithful who chose to share the disability, disadvantage or disgrace that led them to their Divine design. Lewis, Tozer, O’Connor and Solomon continue to leave eternal beauty marks in their wake through their written lives.


So, as we fall into fall, may we take some summer treasures with us as we continue to (re)fresh:


May we take the time to revisit the faithful voices that have gone before us, in literature, life and God’s Word;


May we define for ourselves what “leaving beauty marks in our wake” means and pinpoint those who have left some,


and lastly,


if #Inwiththeold was the summer slogan, may we see the old with new eyes, not forgetting “to live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward us.” (Matthew 5:48 MSG)


“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” (Proverbs 11:25 NLT)




About Katie Wilson

Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ. #amwriting #Compel Forgiven and Free Living a life that says: COME AND SEE!

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