
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

Just Write

I am exercising a muscle I almost forgot I had. I am “just writing” out of obedience to God and in defiance of the devil.

Years ago God asked me to “take the journey before the people.” He spoke those words to me from Deuteronomy 10:11 and I knew, for me, it meant to take my writing journey public. I was terrified but started this blog out of sheer obedience anyway.

God never changed His call on my life but somewhere along the way I lost my voice. The enemy pounced on my silence with his loud lies at an accelerated pace in 2020 and almost, I stress ALMOST, took my voice forever. He attacked every area of my life, and the life of so many others, in an attempt to suffocate the Heaven out of us with his hell. And guess what? What the enemy meant for evil, God is using for good! If you squeeze Heaven out of God’s kids, it just releases Heaven to the world around us and our internal well of living water never runs dry!!!

I don’t have much more to share tonight other than to encourage whoever is reading this to “just______!” Fill in the blank with the last thing you remember the Lord asking you to do. Do it out of sheer obedience regardless of how you feel. Rest assured that that obedience kicks the enemy of our soul square in the teeth and that is a peaceful, powerful place to rest!

About Katie Wilson

Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ. #amwriting #Compel Forgiven and Free Living a life that says: COME AND SEE!

6 Replies

  1. Michelle

    Beautiful, just what I needed to hear, thanks
    for sharing!

    1. Joni Miller

      I know exactly what you mean, Katie! This past year almost had me throwing in the towel with my blogging. Glad to see you’re pressing on!

  2. Jay

    Agree! Just write and so many will benefit by hearing and seeing Jesus in your messages!

  3. Melissa Tepool

    You’re back!!! So excited when I saw psalm8110 in my Inbox! Love you and your writing😘

  4. Anonymous

    Beautifully said, Katie!!! A squeeze from Heaven in our inboxes today! This inspires and encourages me so much! He who is in you is stronger! Please keep writing! 👏🙌💖

  5. Rosemary Sherrod

    You are the light of the world… a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden! Keep shining Katie 😉

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