
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

Risky and Worthy Business


“Could you please step back mam? And may I ask what you are doing?”

Stepping out in obedience to God, I braved international travel without the security of my husband, and I somehow managed to stump Customs. How could Customs not know what I was doing?  I confidently moved in, perfectly postured before the machine.

Maybe this is a new guy, first day on the job jitters or something. His clear lack of knowledge didn’t seem professional or “security-like.”

He is looking at me confused and a bit irritated and I am looking at him like he is an idiot.

“I was trying to get my eye close enough for the retinal scanning.” (Thinking – “Are  you serious? Do you not know “retinal scanning” technique?”)

“Mr. Confused and Irritated” suddenly begins to laugh. “Rarely do people surprise me. Mam, you have watched one too many movies. You are not that important. The “retinal scanner” is actually just a camera taking your picture. Now move along.”

Now who is the idiot?

“Ms. Red Face” comes down off her international-traveler high-horse, gathers her belongings and moves along.

That story still brings me to HYSTERICAL RETINAL tears, as my embarrassment turns into CAN’T-CATCH-YOUR-BREATH kinda laughter.

Have you ever confidently walked into a relatively new environment, thinking, “I’ve so got this,” only to realize you were clueless?

Were you able to laugh at yourself or does the memory still make you cringe? YES

That story is just one of many in my  HYSTERICAL HISTORY. More than likely there will be more.

Sometimes I just get it wrong.

Do you?

I am starting to realize that a life of passion and purpose requires RISK.  Staying in the shallow-end, doing the same-old, same-old, does not call for courage.

 If we didn’t need courage, why in the world would God repeatedly tell us to be “strong and courageous”?

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT

Many settle for comfortable and cozy, yet live completely discontent. The more I spend time in God’s Word, the more I see an unlikely cast of characters simply stepping into the unknown, whenever and wherever God says STAY or  GO!

The fact that I have been to Brazil, Kenya, Uganda and Costa Rica to share the gospel is a testament to:

the greatness of GOD,

HIS faithfulness to HIS Word, to reach the ends of the earth with HIS TRUTH and LOVE,


HIS remarkable ability to use ANYONE.

“Now the leaders were surprised and confused. They looked at Peter and John and realized they were typical peasants—uneducated, utterly ordinary fellows—with extraordinary confidence. The leaders recognized them as companions of Jesus,” Acts 4:13 VOICE

Could there be any greater compliment than to be recognized as a companion of Jesus? We tend to tap into the heart and pick up the habits of those whom we spend the most time with.

In light of that, whom does the world see when they see us?

 Ask my husband or anyone who knew me before I went ALL IN with Jesus, and going anywhere untethered to my “safe” people was impossible.


Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26 NLT

The Good News has a way of shaking off the shackles like nothing else.

A Christian killer becomes one of the greatest evangelists,

the town harlot departs in shame but confidently returns, introducing the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES,

an adulterous woman rises from the dust, forgiven and free because her self-righteous stoners had to flee,


a band of fearful, disappointed disciples emerge new from an upper room, equipped and empowered by the promised Holy Spirit to

“…be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 NLT

That same Good News, that same Jesus, that same Holy Spirit, is still alive and active today!

HE is still equipping and empowering even the most unlikely, yet ALL IN, “idiots abroad”, who will step out of their same-old, same-old safety,

willing to RISK,

willing to face the fear of the unknown


ridiculous RETINAL embarrassment,

in order to leave a beauty mark in their wake,

a HYSTERICAL part of their history, that is a God-arrow for all the world to see!

**It is critical to note that my customs guy did have something VERY WRONG.  When he told me I was NOT that important, he could not see how my HEAVENLY FATHER beams when HE looks at me.  I am SO IMPORTANT and SO ARE YOU!

We are the apple of the Almighty’s Eye.

 Maybe a RETINAL SCANNER would have shown my customs guy exactly Whose image I am made in, whose image you are made in!

Are we willing to risk?

It is most definitely RISKY AND WORTHY BUSINESS!


Are we willing TO GET IT ALL WRONG, for the whole world to see, if our embarrassment could somehow point a lost and lonely world to Christ?

How we answer that question determines the rest of our lives!


About Katie Wilson

Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ. #amwriting #Compel Forgiven and Free Living a life that says: COME AND SEE!

3 Replies

  1. Haha, that’s great! I can relate. As a child, I flew every few years, but there was about a four-year pause from my last flight to my first solo flight. I was a mess going through security. I couldn’t seem to get anything done right my first (or second or even third!) try – and I KNEW what to expect.

  2. Natalie @ Milk & Honey Faith

    Amen!! God has surely brrought me out of my comfort zone this year. I’m so incredibly grateful for the privilege of serving Him and sharing the gospel. I’d love for you to join me in a Facebook Group for Christian Bloggers called “By His Grace Bloggers”. We’d love to have you and your courageous spirit!

  3. Amen! I am with you in the airport and love those memories of missing it that bring a belly laugh! I love your courage and willingness to lean into the Holy Spirit and risk! This is great!

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