
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

My Day 3 of 500 Words


2015 year in review continued…

I had to pull over on the side of the road yesterday morning just to catch a little something beautiful before it escaped my mind forever.


I though to myself:

How do I want my writing, speaking, actions -LIFE-to be described?

Here is my list:




Adding value, not just another voice, to this world


Pointing every path I cross to Christ

Writing is part of my assignment from the Father.  I know that when on Kingdom Assignment the enemy sees it coming and he is still up to the same old schemes.

Satan is a murderer, thief and wrecking ball.  He is crafty but not creative.  He longs to take out potential and being privy to his plans empowers us to plow through with Kingdom purpose and passion!  (I love alliteration!)

I’m privy and so are you!

One way the enemy plots is to dig up our past.  He can dig all day but it is our choice to dwell or drink:

DWELL on the past

or DRINK from the WELL of Living Water in the present.

I am choosing the latter option.


Jesus is our pearl of great value.  He is our treasure and He is everywhere.  I know that because He says He is ever-present.  He is also TRUTH, which means He can not lie.

That makes no sense to some people because they say there is nothing God can not do.  I don’t really understand that mystery either but I’m fine with that.  God is faithful to His character.  He is who He says He is.  That in and of itself is refreshing!

He is always here; He knows everything; He is all powerful and He is so good.


I choose to just believe HIM.

Let’s talk about giving.  God is off the chain when it comes to giving.  He gave His Son to save our sorry souls.  Jesus gave life to us and we are to give Jesus to the world.

Can we just deliver who we carry within us?  Sounds familiar.

I am finding that the physical mirrors the spiritual all the time, things like we reap what we sow and who we carry we deliver.  When we are pregnant we deliver life.  When we are saved, we are filled with Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, so we deliver LIFE.

Remember, Jesus said:

“I am the way, the Truth and the LIFE.  No one comes to Father except through Me.”

 (John 14:6)

I like that.  I am going to sit with that for a minute.  Will you?

The Words of God are flawless.  I sure need that in this mega-flawed world.  May we take this Christmas season, the season when Jesus was delivered so that we could keep delivering HIM, and just pause:

Pause to Party!

We have something to celebrate, regardless of the circumstances around us.  In Christ we are given HOPE: A Fantastic Gift don’t you think!

 (**And by the way, being IN CHRIST is offered to ALL.  HE is inclusive.  He put the ball in our court on that cross.  Receive the serve!)

I shared my valuables.  I hope you receive the treasure.

500 words comes fast.  I will #WriteOn tomorrow.


About Katie Wilson

Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ. #amwriting #Compel Forgiven and Free Living a life that says: COME AND SEE!

2 Replies

  1. Pause to party! Amen! Thanks for shining His light as you write!!!

    1. Thank you name sake!! You are sunshine, dressed in His Armor of Light!

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