
Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ.

Mission Moments: A Legacy that Reaches “to the ends of the earth”-Dedicated to “Darlin” Fleming

Below is another “Mission Moment” that was published in Downtown Living in 2014.   May these moments leave fingerprints that move your heart!



I get to write a “Gossip Column” about the Glory of the Lord shining through everyday, ordinary heroes of faith, who are living right next door! Their stories inspire and challenge us all to step up and out boldly to build the Kingdom!

I recently had the privilege of interviewing my dear friend, Lakin Fleming Crump, about her mission trip to Tanzania, Africa in 2010. I witnessed tears of joy, gratitude and holy awe as she tapped into her “mission memories”. She began by sharing the mile markers which paved her way to Africa. Lakin’s diagnosis, treatment and recovery from breast cancer in 2009-2010 changed her perspective forever! Her relationship with the Lord and others trumped any trivial distraction and a burden for the lost to be found ignited a fire in your bones to go “tell it on the mountain”. It was an easy “yes” when asked to join the team going to Tanzania, not because she was an avid traveler or liked adventure, but because she wanted to jump on the opportunity to share Jesus’ love and hope and share the reality of “nothing is impossible with God”. Philippians 4:13 –“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” had carried her through cancer and was now carrying her on mission.

Lakin’s face-to-face with cancer, not only shed light on her future plans in Africa , but gave her 20/20 hindsight! She was able to clearly see and appreciate the Lord wooing her to Himself in early 2009 through 2 friends. She witnessed them walking closely with the Lord. She heard their testimonies of brokenness and she saw the reality of restoration in their lives, which lead her back to the Godly roots she had been raised on! And these roots run deep and wide! Martha “Darlin” Fleming was the original seed planter in her life, and in the lives of half this town, if you ask around!


Lakin’s countenance changed the minute she brought up “Darlin”. She was transported back to sleep overs with Bible stories playing on a tape recorder through the night, drives through the poorest places in town to meet the needs of the “least of these”, envelop stuffing table time where she and the cousins helped Darlin prepare “Good News” packets for the Billy Graham crusade, and meals at Krystal, where they only ordered one cheese burger at a time because Darlin wanted to remind them to never waste, because there were children ,just like them, going hungry in Africa. Darlin’s seed planting legacy is being harvested in Lakin’s life. And Lakin’s daughter, Mary Witty, is headed to Nicaragua this summer, to follow in the faithful footsteps of Lakin, Darlin, and Christ, just to name a few!

Sometimes the Lord takes us “to the ends of the earth” to be hope-offerers to the lost, to open our eyes to the blessings all around us, to heal and restore our souls, to remember the seeds planted, to teach us perseverance and to write stories in our lives that invite others to come and see HIM for themselves and then go and share the God of Hope with the world and with the neighborhood!


About Katie Wilson

Where my faith and creativity collide! A freedom freelancer, prayerful painter and clarion for Christ. #amwriting #Compel Forgiven and Free Living a life that says: COME AND SEE!

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